The Prime Minister of Jamaica has made provision for religious leaders to request and receive messages from him. I sent a request on behalf of Goals Of Angels Church on 30th November, 2021 . I followed the due guidelines and waited for thirty-three days. 3rd January, 2022 was the specified date for receipt of the message. However, I did not receive it. This is a failure to Goals Of Angels Church. As it is usual with religious organizations, our church needs support internationally from governments and rich individuals. My request to the Jamaican Prime Minister focused on protection. I held in mind to open other areas of needed support if he interacted with our church over a period of time. Having met this failure, I am determined to sit down and calculate dimensions of avoiding troubles now and in future. I can recall that I sent this same request on 10th July, 2019 . A team from the office of Prime Minister responded on the same day that my request had started undergoing stages of consideration. I waited up to the expiration of time but I got no additional words from the team or the Prime Minister, himself.
I want to be careful with my position of Prophet and High Priest of Goals Of Angels Church. So I declare 30th November, 2021 as my last time of contacting Jamaican government for any support. Even if Most Hon. Andrew Holness completes his tenure and goes, I will maintain this decision. I foresee that this decision will keep me away from troubles. Firstly, I will not face accusation as a nuisance to Jamaicans. Secondly, I will have freedom to contact other personalities for protection and other types of support. For the fact that religion involves dogmatic salvation of souls, our church will prepare international passports and missionary visas for our priests to enter Jamaica and preach there in future. This will not require support from Jamaican government at all. Other personalities will care for our needs.
FAILURE IN JAMAICA should not be read at a glance. People should peruse this topic. It will be discovered that I have lost comfort of the present. If the Jamaican Prime Minister had sent me the expected message, it would be accompanied by incentives. I would be enabled to establish a place for the church. The address given on is my accommodation in my family house. The house belongs to my late mother. She left six children behind and we equally have the right of inheritance. In the area of computers, I go to cyber cafes for internet access. The church website is not fully activated. I can not combat impostors, hackers and their likes. With those incentives, I would build a duplex at least. The duplex would serve as a mission house. I would mount a signboard there to bear the name of our church. I would bring computers into the house. I would install telescope. I would install Internet. I would combat impostors, hackers and people of their kind. I would put in all security strategies. Do you see what I have lost? This is really a failure to recount in the church history. I am bound to stagger again and pursue another future. I leave everything in the hands of God. Being almighty, God knows the past, present and future.
Attached Files
I have attached three files below. Read them to confirm that I contacted the Jamaican Prime Minister. Even as the files are not neatly uploaded, they convey information. Read them. I am suffering in cyber cafes now. I will delete these files and upload neat ones as soon as I get comfortable access to Internet. The files are:
1. Guidelines for requesting messages from the Jamaican Prime Minister
2. My email to the Jamaican Prime Minister
3. A topic in our church history which I uploaded in my email to the Jamaican Prime Minister