3 min read

When God created Adam and Eve, He placed them in the garden of Eden and commanded them to tend it. This story is available in Genesis 1:26 - 27 ; 2:15 (Bible). The command for tending was a command for labour. At that time, the whole earth had two persons and the command for labour looked very simple. When people multiplied on earth, the command for labour extended from tending the garden of Eden to tending the whole earth and serving fellow humans. Here came a second teaching in John 13:1 - 17 (Bible) that the disciples should wash the feet of one another. We are bound by the teachings of God to indulge in one labour or the other to foster the well-being of fellow humans. Labour means the same as work and I will make substitution at this point. Works are many. Some people work as scientists. Some people work as government leaders internationally, nationally and locally. Some people work as engineers, medical doctors, drivers, lawyers, soldiers, farmers, cooks and so on. Works are realised by distinguished talents or by vacancies. In any capacity that a person works, he/she is important.

Productivity is a term used to express the intensity of work done. Lazy people are less productive. Hardworking people are highly productive. The teachings of God do not just bind us to work. The teachings bind us to be highly productive. Read Matthew 25:14 - 30 (Bible) and see. The earth will have absolute peace if production and distribution of goods and services meet all human needs. I delayed presentation on the topic of labour (work) and productivity because it has a very sensitive approach in religion. A person may lose his/her existing job if he/she converts from his/her religious beliefs to Goals Of Angels Church. The freedom of religion established in government laws is certain in only the civil service, the armed forces and the ruling offices of the government of a country. Individuals can not be forced to employ non-members of their religious groups into their personal services and companies. I have taken much time in finding job opportunities for members of Goals Of Angels Church to enjoy on entry into the church. I will not relent in my efforts. I will study affiliation with international and national organizations that offer freedom of religion and our church members will find jobs in them as time goes on. At this moment, our members should manage any opportunity which they have to work and earn income. Our church laws will have bearing on their present and future jobs...............................(the second paragraph will be edited again)......................................

The church laws on labour (work) and productivity can be summarized as God's command for maintenance of the earth and service of fellow humans. Meditation on this command brings us a breakdown of laws to uphold. Let us look at the breakdown:

1. Members of our church must embrace education for productivity. The education can be obtained through formal institutions or through apprenticeship. Whether they have employment or not, they should pursue education to gain modernity. With modernity, they can work at any time in their lives.

2. Members of our church must work only where they are paid. They should avoid people who intend to enslave them. When we achieve the pure form of the earthly kingdom of Jesus Christ, our theocratic government will have sufficient money to spend and all our members will have employment. A member will work three months on duty and three months off. Within the three months, he/she will work eight hours in a day and sixteen hours off, six days in a week and one day off. Our theocratic government will make employment compulsory. Exemption will be granted to only members who have bodily disabilities beyond working. Members who have attained sixty years of age will retire from vigorous works. After retirement, they will pursue administrative positions in the kingdom if they have desire and qualification. Scientists and holders of ruling (administrative) positions will work differently from the shifting arrangements mentioned here. Read about the pure form of the earthly kingdom of Jesus Christ in number eleven of INTRODUCTION TO THE DOCTRINE OF GOALS OF ANGELS CHURCH. Now that our members are advised to manage the limited employment opportunities, they should reject working for any individual or government without pay. It is a slave that works under force, no pay. It is better for our members to be jobless and live at the mercy of God than to work without pay and live at the mercy of those employers. If poor individuals beg for assistance, members of our church can work for them voluntarily. An example of a poor individual is a brother who begs a brother to wash clothes for him. Such an assistance should have a limited period of time. Such an assistance should not continue for life.

3. Members of our church must reflect discipline in the discharge of their duties anywhere they are engaged. A disciplined person fulfills formalities even when he/she operates in the midst of enemies. To cite an example, indisciplined cooks in restaurants mix excreta with food and serve to their customers. Their intention is to diminish health. Sometimes, they mix poison for automatic death. Such behaviours are not good for employees. Members of our church should fulfill all formalities anywhere they operate so as to portray satisfactory records when viewed under CCTV. Note that CCTV means closed-circuit television. Enemies of our church should not die by poison poured by our members. Our enemies should die mysteriously by our members' bad prayers.

4. Members of our church who seek workers in their personal services or companies must prepare to pay concurrently. They should prepare themselves ahead of time so that their workers will be paid as soon as works are completed or when monthly benefits are due. All job entitlements should never be owed.

5. Members of our church must design equal treatment for learned and primitive people who work for them. For example, our members who go into villages to employ workers should uplift the timid people who open their minds to accept anything for survival. Instead of cheating the primitive and timid people, they should uplift their standards of living and acquaint them with the necessary education.

6. Members of our church who have vacancies in their personal services or companies must employ 50% from our members who have the stated requirements before giving attention to other people. The logic of brotherhood guides our poor members to look up to our rich members as their elders and bread winners. Those hopes should not be frustrated.

7. Members of our church who offer employment must avoid the impression of destiny converters in the lives of their employees. They should interact with their employees officially and give them the freedom to resign or retire and work in bigger positions. They should not hunt their employees to terminate the success coming to them from elsewhere. If our rich members lack manpower in totality, the church authorities will assemble all members and compel them to work together as shareholders in companies and as servants to masters/mistresses in personal services.

8. Members of our church must avoid the desire to work for life in specific disciplines. They should accept changes which God will bring to them from time to time. As civilization is sure to increase, some job opportunities are sure to end. For example, a lawyer is a person who represents an uneducated or a half educated person where legal matters are carried out. When all people in the world become civilized, they will acquire the abilities to handle legal matters by themselves. Then lawyers will lose importance and marketability. Let us take a second example. Medical practitioners who work in hospitals will lose employment when all people in the world become civilized enough to personally handle medication indoors.