1 min read

Nigerian government invites one muslim leader and one christian leader on every swear-in-ceremony to pray for the success of the nation. This is a wrong idea.

Correction: Nigerian government should use scientific principles to succeed. Democracy does not have any bearing on spirituality. If Nigerian government invokes spiritual powers from selected religious groups, there must be failure. If different people do not unite to form one religious group, why will they unite spiritually to make Nigeria good? No reason. Even if other religious believers pray for the success of Nigeria, I can pray for failure and it will appear. The only prayer I make is that Nigeria should not involve in a war that will engulf me.

Nigeria as a country can not practise theocracy. Theocracy can be practised only in an empire. I advise Nigeria to face realities of life. If one political office holder fails in delivering the fruits of the office, he/she should be removed. When the removal continues, advanced countries will come in and colonize Nigeria. When advanced countries fail in democracy, autocracy and other systems of government, they will find theocracy.