According to some christians, a martyr is a person who is killed for the sake of Jesus Christ. The idea of martyrdom is a wrong one. Those christian leaders use it and deceive people to die shamefully.
Jesus Christ wills that people who worship Him should have wisdom to prosper in the midst of their enemies. Read the Bible, Matthew 10:16 , and see. Jesus Christ said to His disciples, "Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves". If a person is foolish, he/she dies a shameful death that is ignorantly attributed to Jesus Christ (God). Let us take John, the baptist, as an example. When John was in prison, he did not pray to get out of that trauma. He sent messengers to Jesus Christ challenging His messianic power. This point must be noted. John, the baptist, mocked Jesus Christ. Read the story in Matthew 11:2-6 (Bible). King Herod who had put John in prison was a government leader with strong military powers but Jesus Christ was only a religious founder with a few disciples. Jesus Christ had no temporal power to approach the king. Talking on spiritual basis, John should have used wisdom to pray and wait for liberation. Even as John mocked Jesus Christ, He tried to calm him with an advice of prayer. Read Luke 7:22-23 (Bible) and see the reply which Jesus Christ sent to John and which was an advice of prayer. The reply was "go and tell John the things you have seen and heard; that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me". John ignored spirituality and yearned for temporal majesty. That was why he died in prison. Read Acts 16:16-40 (Bible) and see how Paul and Silas escaped death in prison. It was by prayer. They looked sideways and saw nobody to help them. Then they used wisdom and invited Jesus Christ (God) in prayer and they were saved. Read about the death of John in Mark 6:16-29 (Bible).