Religion is a belief in the existence of God or a god and the activities that are done to worship God or the god. I want to focus my discussion in this topic on God, not a god. God is the being who is believed to have created the whole universe and controls all parts of nature. A god is a being that is believed to have control over a particular part of nature. A god is similar to a goddess. It is gender that causes the difference in their spellimgs. A god is a male of their kind. A goddess is a female of their kind. Even if the expression "god/goddess" is not seen as this topic continues, it should be noted that I mean one word for the two. The control over a particular part of nature that a god is said to have is just magic and falsehood. Every god is inferior to God. No god created the universe. A god uses magic to manipulate the ways of sinners. Examples of gods are god of iron, god of money, god of war, god of rain, god of stability, god of beauty and god of knowledge. My focus is on God, the creator and controller of the whole universe. 

There are two questions about God that pose spiritual contest. The first question is: “Who is God?” The second question is: “Who has God sent?” Muslims, christians, hindus and other religious faithful have different opinions as answers to the two questions. However, the correct opinion is the profession of Goals Of Angels Church. The church professes that Jesus Christ is the true God who made heaven and earth and that He has appointed Myina Ivyarave to work as His prophet in the present time. I am the Prophet Myina Ivyarave mentioned. I have testimonies to prove the supremacy of the spiritual power available in this church. Some of these testimonies are: 

1. I have had three serious accidents in which God saved my life mysteriously. In year 2011 , I boarded a bus in Makurdi which booked Jato Aka. The bus collided with two trailers after moving a few kilometers from Makurdi. No passenger died. In February, 2016 , a cyclist was conveying me from Jato Aka to Ugbema and we fell down on the way. This accident involved the cyclist, one other person and me. I was unconscious for about eight hours but I later regained myself. I received just a little medical treatment. In May, 2016 , I boarded a taxi that registered movement from Lafia to Abuja. This taxi somersaulted when we arrived in Akwanga. I only sustained minor injuries in the accident. 

2. I was traveling from Abuja to Geidam in December, 2011 to seek money from my cousin, Haanongon Apya, and pay my fees at National Open University of Nigeria. I moved from Abuja on 22nd or 23rd December, 2011 and rested in my other cousin’s house in Jos. My cousin in Jos was Tyoaundu Akporo. I rested in his house to continue with the journey after a few days. Then bomb blasts occurred in Abuja, Jos and Damaturu on 25th December, 2011 . Geidam and Damaturu are places in Yobe State. So I reasoned that the bomb blasts caught the beginning, the middle and the destination of my journey and they were aimed at my death. I stopped the journey in Jos and returned to Abuja. I am testifying to God that the bomb blasts on 25th December, 2011 did not reach me with death or any bodily injury. 

3. Two people pointed guns at me in two different places but they could not shoot me. These incidents happened in Abuja in year 2016 . One of these incidents happened in Utako and the other happened in Garki. The two people might be hired killers because we did not involve in any quarrel before they removed guns and pointed at me. I simply met them during roadside begging. They pointed guns without words when I said, "help me to buy food and eat". 

4. I lived in a certain house in Aso “C” , Gbaragape from April to October, 2016 . One of the tenants in that house was an armed robber. He and his wife attacked me with cutlasses everyday but they could not kill me. In all the quarrels we had, they could not slap me for once. God saved me mysteriously and I packed out safely. I can not tell the name of the armed robber exactly but I overheard him calling himself “Ike Chukwu”. 

5. Around September, 2016 , I invited former Presidents Muhammadu Buhari, Goodluck Jonathan, Olusegun Obasanjo among other people across the world to join Goals Of Angels Church. By then, the church was named Conviction Church Of God and the church had a Google page....................... I waited for over two months and there was no sign of acceptance. So I cancelled the invitation of former Presidents Muhammadu Buhari, Goodluck Jonathan and Olusegun Obasanjo. Few weeks from the cancellation, President Muhammadu Buhari went to London for medical treatment and people started spreading rumours of his death. Then I heard some people crying to me in spirit over Buhari. One woman spoke to me physically about it. Hers was not spiritual. She almost wept in my presence. Her name was "Blessing". Her door was near mine in a house in Angwan Maazu. That place is along the boundary of Nassarawa State and Abuja, FCT. I felt concerned and days of Buhari's treatment in London were prolonged rather than death. This was a spiritual thing. At that time, I was not connected with white men or top politicians in Nigeria but the wonder happened because God claimed ownership of the whole world. 

Other religious faithful also give testimonies. Their testimonies are borne out of ignorance or determination to perpetrate falsehood and avert the conversion of people to worship the true God. Alas! God has given me the spiritual power to counter every falsehood by performing the mightiest signs and wonders. I am leaving two proud sentences here for readers of this topic to quote. The sentences are "Dogmatically, there is no power above and beyond me. God has given me all dogmatic powers as His prophet". To people who yearn for good, I pronounce blessings. To people who strive to do evil, I pronounce curses. When I pronounce blessings on people, good things come to them in mysterious ways. Their enemies begin to face death and fear them. Sicknesses vanish from their bodies. Money flows into their possession. Every good thing they want comes to them. When I pronounce curses on people, bad things come to them in mysterious ways. People who love them with sincere hearts face death in one way or the other and run away from them. If they delay the separation, instant death appears. Sicknesses rush into the bodies of the cursed. Money disappears from them. Heartbreak appears everywhere they are. Everything they want changes originality and yields bad results. We can derive a meaning from the above paragraphs that spiritual contest is the identification of the almighty God and His messenger(s). When any religious faithful gives a testimony, it is automatically a vote in spiritual contest. 

When I do prophetic works, I make invocations that centralise all spiritual influences unto me. Other earthly angels should also make invocations when they want to see spiritual effects. The spirit world is influenced by people who invoke Jesus Christ. They invoke His supremacy. They invoke their connections with Him. Let me state some of the invocations I make as examples for other earthly angels to follow. The invocations are:

 If Jesus Christ is not the true God who made heaven and earth, any other being identified as God should not show me mercy to stay alive. Death should be released to swallow me.

If there is Holy Trinity and the Holy Spirit is also God, death should be released to swallow me because I reject the Holy Trinity. I reject the opinion that the Holy Spirit is also God.

If Jesus Christ has not sent me to work as His prophet in the present time but I use His name to win honour for myself, death should be released to swallow me.

If God does not exist at all, atheists should get power to kill me.

In conclusion, Goals Of Angels Church has won spiritual contest with the exercise of power over death. Jesus Christ saves people from dying. At the same time, Jesus Christ uses death as the last resort in enforcing His will in human domains. I know certainly that Goals Of Angels Church will take over the whole world and become a kingdom. This will happen at the proper time. It is only a fool that does not know the right time for a good thing. As Jesus Christ told the Israelites in Exodus 23:23 - 31 (Bible) , so has He told me. Jesus Christ said in the above Biblical quotation that He would take over the land belonging to the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites and give to the Israelites but He would not take all the land in one year to avoid making the land desolate. He said He would give the promised land to the Israelites as the Israelites increased in number. When members of Goals Of Angels Church increase to a reasonable number, the whole world will be taken over as a kingdom.