We are earthly and heavenly.

Join us and gain permanent happiness.

Read Revelation 21:3-4 and see:

3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Goals Of Angels Church is a christian denomination. The church professes Jesus Christ as the true God who made heaven and earth. In the context of religion, profession is defined as a declaration of belief. Profession is what differentiates one religious group from another. It describes the God or gods/goddesses who a religious group worships. In a situation where two or more religious groups worship the same God/gods/goddesses, the difference is proclaimed in the messenger(s) of the God/gods/goddesses. There is no way two or more religious groups will have the same profession and remain separate. They will be forced by government laws to become one. Having known these, we can say that profession is the highest topic and the highest dogma in religion. Different religious groups can address topics such as marriage, vision and festivity with same opinions.

With profession, Goals Of Angels Church differs from all religious groups on earth. The church differs from other christian denominations with the rejection of the Holy Trinity. The church also differs from other christian denominations with the proclamation of Myina Ivyarave as the present messenger (prophet) of Jesus Christ. The church differs from other religions with the rejection of the existence of a superior god anywhere. The profession of this church is the dogma on which all blessings are based. People do not worship God for nothing. People worship God to obtain blessings for themselves and their beloved ones. People also worship God to call down curses on their enemies. Goals Of Angels Church offers the needed spirituality.

Below is the full profession of the church:

Jesus Christ is the true God.

He is the true God who made heaven and earth
with all the good things that exist in them.

There is no Holy Trinity. He is the God who revealed Himself to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and to the Israelites. He is the God who mankind perceived as God the father and as God the son at different times in human history. The Holy Spirit is not God.

Jesus Christ has appointed Myina Ivyarave to teach people the truth about Him and the pure forms of His earthly and eternal kingdoms. Myina Ivyarave is not God. Myina Ivyarave is a prophet of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is above all things. He is the true God. There is no other God anywhere.

The Jesus Christ who Goals Of Angels Church professes is the one contained  in the Bible. Matthew 1:18 - 25 and Luke 2:1 - 21 are given here for people to remember when God took a human form and was named Jesus Christ. As for Prophet Myina Ivyarave, people will find his details on https://jatoaka.site123.me/founder . 
About image

Our highest worship is conducted on Saturdays. This worship is called "Trumpeting".

We honour every Saturday as a day of rest. We do not honour Sunday as a day of rest.

Members of our church are expected to reflect the worship of God in the things they do at all times. Trumpeting is the highest worship because it is prepared for the physical presence of God. We mean we would gather before God once in every week if He were on earth.


Some of the testimonies which members will make in future will be selected and published in this category......,.....


Some of the testimonies which members will make in future will be selected and published here. .........

Goals Of Angels Church has gotten a beginning in riches. Prophet Myina Ivyarave has taken his money to the church. He has done this in his position as founder of the church. He has gotten his money from Cryptomania. The money has been given for himself and for his beloved people. He will arrange for church projects out of this money. At present, he can afford millions of dollars for general projects. He can afford five thousand dollars for a member's needs. A member who is 18 years old or above will get $5000 if he/she seeks help from the church. Members who are parents will use the same amount for themselves and their children.

The prophet has planned a visit to the grave of Sir Isaac Newton in London. His visit is for dedication. Sir Isaac Newton was an inventor and a grandmaster in the field of science. He hopes to come back with other financial opportunities for the church. By then, he will include children welfare from birth to university education. With these possibilities for prosperity, donations from members are cancelled permanently.
Entry into Goals Of Angels Church is open to people of all races. British, Indians, Americans, Nigerians, Japanese and others in the entire world are free to become members of the church. To righteous people, it will be a completion of their journey to eternal life if they join the church. Simeon can be considered as an example. Read the Bible, Luke 2:22 - 40 , and you will see that Simeon accepted the messianic status of Jesus Christ when he saw Him in the temple. Who was Simeon? Simeon was a righteous Israelite who yearned to see the salvation of his people before he died. When he actually saw the salvation in Jesus Christ, he admitted the truth of it. Righteous people who are yearning for salvation in our time should admit the truth now that they find Goals Of Angels Church. To sinners, it will be a reformation of their lives if they join the church..................consider ................. Bible.............as an example..,....................it requires members of this church...................... They should turn away from sin and begin to live righteously now and for ever.

Fill the form below to become a member. Avoid membership in all religions and religious denominations. Study the church doctrine speedily and put into practice.

Sorry, registration has ended.

I have decided to remember the death of my mother with official ceremonies to honour her and to win glory for God. I, Prophet Myina Ivyarave, am the Founder of Goals Of Angels Church. It is questionable that my mother, Mama Ingyorhena Ivyarave, died in penury. When a person talks big, it is worthwhile to see the manifestation of it. I have written in the doctrine of Goals Of Angels Church that the God who sent me has almighty power to bless or curse. Some people may begin to mock that healing is a blessing and acquisition of money is a blessing but why did my mother die in penury? I take the blame upon myself in that I left my mother in the hands of my weak elder brother who is named Asange Ivyarave. If I had separated my mother from Asange, she would have lived up to now. Firstly, Asange was forced and he brought a strange medical practioner to treat my mother secretly. This strange medical practioner, Washima Akile, inflicted pains on her from November, 2016 to August, 2017 . I was supposed to stop this by a counter force. Secondly, Asange continued under the same force and fed my mother on excreta from March, 2017 to August, 2017 . She got tired of this kind of feeding and stayed without eating anything for days before she died. I was also supposed to stop this kind of feeding by a counter force. Unfortunately for me, I behaved like a gentleman who did not want a quarrel. I simply planned to settle down in October, 2017 and care for my mother by myself. I made my intention known and I now suspect that Washima Akile rushed and killed my mother before my time. I continue to blame myself that I waited too long. God did His best by bringing me in contact with my mother many times from November, 2016 to 12th July, 2017 . No reasonable person can accuse God because the human body has a limit of enduring pains. Having lamented over her death in penury, I will use this event titled "BEFITTING HONOUR FOR LATE MAMA INGYORHENA IVYARAVE" and eliminate the derision. This event will hold on 4th and 5th September, 2024 . Further description of this event is presented in later topics. Click on "Read more" and you will see the topics.Read More

  • Date: 09/04/2024 10:00 AM - 09/05/2024 02:30 PM
  • Location: Tse Ijov Azembe, Jato Aka, Kwande Local Government Area, Benue State of Nigeria (Map)

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1. Who is God?

God is the supreme being who made heaven and earth. His name is Jesus Christ. Philosophy teaches freedom of religion and for that many gods/goddesses are recorded. However, our church worships only Jesus Christ and considers all the other gods/goddesses as fake.

2. Where is God?

God, Jesus Christ, is currently in heaven. There were times which He visited this earth. Read the Bible in ................................12345................................and see. We expect His earthly visit even in our own time.

3. What is the spirit world?

The spirit world is the human mind. I mean it is the part of a human that thinks. People who are near or far from one another communicate in the spirit world through thinking. This communication is dogmatic as telescope, CCTV and all other scientific devices can not record it.

4. What is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the force that acts at the command of God.

5. What are evil spirits?

Evil spirits are forces produced by animals to destroy the good works of God.

6. Who is the prophet of God in the present time?

Myina Ivyarave is the prophet of God in the present time. Click on www.worshipinspirit.org/founder and read about him.

7. Who is a member of Goals Of Angels Church?

A member of Goals Of Angels Church is a person who believes in God according to the proclamation of Prophet Myina Ivyarave. Life in this church begins with membership. A person must register as a member before aspiring for leadership positions such as priesthood and Truth Monitoring Council. 

8. How does Goals Of Angels Church worship?

Members of Goals Of Angels Church worship God in their thoughts, words and actions. The members worship God wherever they are. They worship God at all times. Specific ceremonies like Trumpeting, Feast of Truth and Feast of Purity are attended by members on invitation only.

9. Is confession acceptable in Goals Of Angels Church?

No. Confession is not acceptable in Goals Of Angels Church. Our members are expected to make recollection on daily or weekly basis to know those they have offended and find silent ways of compensating them. It is dangerous to make confession because the offended person may get angrier and take the matter to a judicial process. Our members should invoke the idea that God knows the truth in their minds. Then they should silently compensate those they have offended.

10. What is the value of worshpping God?

We worship God to gain blessings on earth and in heaven. A blessing is any good thing that a person gets knowingly and unknowingly. Some blessings can be counted only in mind. While some blessings can be counted in utterances. When a person crosses with blessings from this earth to heaven and continues enjoying more blessings, the person is said to have gotten eternal life. In summary, the value of worshipping God is eternal life.

11. Goals Of Angels Church teaches that God is only one person and His name is Jesus Christ. Who then was God talking to when He said "Let us make man in our image and likeness?" (Genesis 1:26 - 31 ; verse 26 in focus)

God was only making predestination. No person was there with Him. He was giving Adam and Eve the duty of reproduction in order to facilitate continuity of humankind. It is thinkable that God lay His hand on the dust which was ready for the creation of Adam and Eve and spoke to the dust directly as a mark of predestination.

12. How many powers exist in human life?

Two powers exist in human life. They are spiritual power and temporal power.

Spiritual power is the power to bless or curse that is exercised by God or given by God to a person to exercise. This power is dogmatic. It is acceptable only in religion.

Temporal power is the power that is exercised using scientific weapons. This power is exercised by scientists and governments. Examples of governments are monarchies and countries.  

13. What are the summarized convictions of angels?

The word "conviction" as used here means a firmly held opinion. Dictionaries contain this meaning. The word "angel" as used here means a member of Goals Of Angels Church. Dictionaries do not contain this meaning now. I have simply borrowed it to explain the beliefs of this church and face registration according to government laws. Therefore, convictions of angels are a set of opinions which members of Goals Of Angels Church are expected to firmly hold unto. These opinions are many. Some of them have been developed into topics. For example, the profession of this church is an opinion which has been developed into a topic. Spiritual communication is another example. It has been developed into a topic. The opinions that are outlined below are summaries prepared for members of the church to memorize quickly. See the summaries:
1. God created heaven and earth and He claims ownership of them.
2. God does not make any mistake.
3. Everything which a righteous person has is given by God. Everything which an evil person has is gotten through destiny conversion. An evil person either steals from the righteous or takes by force.
4. God is almighty. No personality exists above Him. No power supercedes His.
5. God is immortal. He does not die.
  • No. 4 The street linking the house of Tyoor Ingyuran and the house of Iortim Aboho, Jato Aka, Kwande Local Government Area, Benue State of Nigeria
  •  This house belongs to the family of Prophet Myina Ivyarave. It is not the church premises. He has given it as an address of the church because of his residential right. People who want to meet with us on the basis of religion should contact us online as provided above. We shall create appointments and meet face to face.