RECEIPT.pdfA prayer is a communication to God which mankind make in order to outline His goodness or to seek His goodness. The goodness of God can also be called “blessings” of God. Even if mankind do not pray, the contents of every human heart are known to God and He can act at any time to make mankind happy. However, prayer is important for the following reasons:
An earthly angel needs to make prayers to God but he/she does not need to pray all the time. An earthly angel does not need to pray over food before eating. An earthly angel does not need to pray before sleeping at night or in day time. Many issues do not need prayer at all. Prayer is important in only three hot situations which are thanksgiving, pain and fear.
There are two types of prayers. One type of prayer is “thanksgiving prayer” and the other type is “solicitation prayer”. A thanksgiving prayer is a prayer in which an earthly angel counts the goodness of God and shows gratitude to Him. A solicitation prayer is a prayer in which an earthly angel asks God to save him/her from pain and/or fear. I have shown ways below for earthly angels to make worthy prayers:
Thanksgiving Prayers
a) Time = In a moment of happiness that an earthly angel wants to utter a few words
Let all people praise You, Jesus Christ, because You made heaven and earth. (any number of times)
b) Time = In a moment of happiness that an earthly angel wants to utter long words
Jesus Christ, I thank You for the money You have given me.
Jesus Christ, I thank You for the education You have given me.
Jesus Christ, I thank You for the electricity You have given me.
Jesus Christ, I thank You for the safe journey You granted me.
These are examples of expressions which an earthly angel can use. More expressions should be formed. The usefulness of each blessing of God can be explained to make the earthly angel’s expressions longer than the examples I have given.
c) Time = When an earthly angel prefers singing for thanksgiving
Songs that express feelings of gratitude to God should be sung in the situations stated in thanksgiving prayers (a) and (b) above.
Solicitation Prayers
a) Time = In sudden fear and/or pain
Jesus Christ, save me. (any number of times)
b) Time = When an earthly angel has time to explain his/her problems to God
Jesus Christ, I come to You... (tell Him what you want) .
c) Time = When an earthly angel prefers singing for solicitation
Songs that express feelings of solicitation should be sung to God in the situations stated in solicitation prayers (a) and (b) above.
Notes on personal prayers: