6 min read

Seat of God.pdfTrumpeting is the highest ritual of the church. Trumpeting is prepared for the physical presence of God. I mean earthly angels would gather before God once in every week if He were on earth. There are ordinances that I have laid concerning Trumpeting. These ordinances are:

  1. Trumpeting will be conducted on Saturdays only. This church will not regard Sunday as a day of rest. We will rest on Saturdays which God Himself set aside as sabbath. Trumpeting will be started at 10.00a.m. No lateness and no earlier..........
  2. Trumpeting will be conducted in a Trumpeting hall on a Trumpeting Ground.
  3. Only earthly angels who have attained the age of sixteen years or above will enter the Trumpeting hall during Trumpeting.
  4. A certain number of earthly angels will be selected to attend Trumpeting on a Trumpeting Ground. Other earthly angels will attend Trumpeting online and view without actions.
  5. Earthly angels selected to attend Trumpeting on a Trumpeting Ground will arrive the Trumpeting Ground on Friday. Accommodation and feeding will be prepared for them. They will leave on Saturday after Trumpeting.
  6. Every session of Trumpeting will be given live transmission on the website of the church.
  7. Trumpeting is the only time at which the earthly altar of Jesus Christ will be set for worship.
  8. There will be no sermon during Trumpeting. The teachings of the church are given on the website of the church and the teachings are for continuous observance. Remember that the website of the church is https://jatoaka.site123.me . When premium is paid, the web address will change. 
  9. There will be no choir organized for Trumpeting. The church will have a music industry that will compose songs for earthly angels to sing at all times. Even at times of Trumpeting, selections will be made from those songs and played. 
  10. Throughout the world, Trumpeting will be conducted only in English Language.
  11. The attires for Trumpeting will be as follows:

Males below 25 years of age

i. Suits with neck ties + shoes (any colour)

ii. White caftans + white shoes

Males from 25 years of age and above

i. Suits with neck ties + shoes (any colour)

ii. White “agbada” + white “agbada” caps + white shoes

All females

i. Female suits + female shoes (any colour)

ii. White dresses + white female shoes

Notes: (a) All females must leave their hair exposed during Trumpeting.

(b) Pictures will be shown for all Trumpeting attires.

The Altar Of Jesus Christ

Altar is the position of God among people. Altar can be used to mean the seat of God just as “throne” means the seat of a king. In other words, altar can be defined as the position or seat of Jesus Christ among angels.

The earthly and eternal altars of Jesus Christ are similar because they point to one God. I do not know all the components of the eternal altars and past earthly altars of Jesus Christ but I know details of His current earthly altar. I am the designer of the current earthly altar of Jesus Christ. The current earthly altar of Jesus Christ is composed of one round table, flowers and one inscription pointing out the identity of Jesus Christ. The inscription will be saved on our website for priests to print out. Priests will print the inscription from time to time and paste it on a wooden, plastic or iron substance for easy carriage. The design of the inscription is shown below. It is compulsorily five lines. The inscription is uploaded in PDF format for easy printing. Read here and read the PDF as well. The wooden, plastic or iron substance on which the inscription is pasted will be laid flat on the round table mentioned earlier.

                                                    JESUS CHRIST

                                             God of heaven and earth

                                       Matthew 1:18 - 25 ; Luke 2:1 - 21


                                              Goals Of Angels Church

Read about the eternal altars of Jesus Christ in the Bible, Revelation 8:1 - 5 ; 14:17 - 20 and 4:1 - 11 .

Read about the past earthly altars of Jesus Christ in the Bible, Genesis 8:20 - 22 and continue with 9:1 - 7 ; Exodus 24:4 - 8 ; 1Kings 6:20 - 22 and continue with 8:22 - 23 .

The use of pictures of Jesus Christ is not permitted for any occasion in this church now. I am going to check in the history of science to know whether photography existed in the time of Jesus Christ. If photography existed, I will allow earthly angels to use pictures of Jesus Christ that people carry about. If I find out that photography did not exist in the time of Jesus Christ, I will make a law which will abide in the present and all future generations that pictures should never be used to identify Jesus Christ. We shall use Biblical references that convey stories of Jesus Christ and His spiritual appearances to us to identify Him. If Jesus Christ appears to us physically like He appeared in the time of Adam (Genesis 2:19 ; 3:8 , Bible) and in the time of the twelve apostles (Matthew 10:1 - 7 , Bible) , we shall snap Him and keep His photographs.

During Trumpeting, the earthly altar of Jesus Christ must be set in the middle of the Trumpeting hall so that earthly angels will gather round it.

Programme For Trumpeting Ritual

1. Arrival

Music is played as earthly angels come into the Trumpeting hall and sit down.

2. Altar

The earthly angels remain sitting. Music is still played as the earthly altar of Jesus Christ is set.

3. Profession

  • The earthly angels remain sitting. There is silence.
  • One earthly angel comes to the podium and all the other earthly angels in the Trumpeting hall kneel down.
  • The earthly angel at the podium reads Matthew 1:18 - 25 (Bible) . Then he/she goes back to join the other earthly angels in kneeling.
  • Another earthly angel comes to the podium and reads Luke 2:1 - 21 (Bible) . Then he/she goes back to join the others in kneeling.
  • All the earthly angels say:

Jesus Christ, You are the true God.

You are the true God who made heaven and earth with all the good things that exist in them.

There is no Holy Trinity. You are the God who revealed Yourself to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and to the Israelites. You are the God who mankind perceived as God the father and as God the son at different times in human history. The Holy Spirit is not God.

Jesus Christ, You have appointed Myina Ivyarave to teach people the truth about You and the pure forms of Your earthly and eternal kingdoms. Myina Ivyarave is not God. Myina Ivyarave is Your prophet.

Jesus Christ, You are above all things. You are the true God. There is no other God anywhere.

  • Male earthly angels remove caps from their heads.
  • All the male and female earthly angels touch their foreheads on the ground as they say:

We declare all worship unto You, Jesus Christ.                        (five times)

4. Thanksgiving

  • All the earthly angels sit down.
  • Male earthly angels fix caps back on their heads.
  • The leader of Trumpeting session gives testimonies of the blessings of Jesus Christ on His earthly kingdom. The leader takes a maximum of 20 minutes.
  • Four other earthly angels come forward and give testimonies of the blessings that they have individually received. Each speaker takes a maximum of 10 minutes. The events of which testimonies are given should happen within one month of the time of testifying.
  • Thanksgiving music is played and all the earthly angels arise and join in singing. Dancing is allowed. This takes 20 - 25 minutes.

5. Meditation

  • All the earthly angels sit down in silence.
  • They use 20 minutes for meditation.

6. Conclusion

  • All the earthly angels kneel down.
  • Male earthly angels remove caps from their heads.
  • All the earthly angels (males and females) touch their foreheads on the ground as they say:

We declare all worship unto You, Jesus Christ.                    (five times)

7. Departure

  • All the earthly angels stand.
  • Male earthly angels fix caps back on their heads.
  • Music is played as the earthly altar of Jesus Christ is removed from the Trumpeting hall.
  • All the earthly angels go out of the Trumpeting hall.

In Case Of The Physical Presence Of God

The almighty God who is known as Jesus Christ visited the earth many times in the past. Read the Bible, Matthew 10:1-7 , and see one of those times. If He visits the earth in our time, we shall draw Trumpeting back from 10.00a.m. to 12midnight on Saturdays. We shall worship Him at midnight for Him to see. He has power to watch what people do everywhere spiritually and physically. Still, we shall open the church website in His presence so that He will select one Trumpeting Ground from any part of the earth to watch. After Trumpeting at midnight, we shall gather again at 12noon on the same Saturdays and listen to His commandments. Five thousand earthly angels including the High Priest will gather in His Physical presence. All other earthly angels will gather online and watch through live transmission on our church website. Below is the programme of the 12noon session:

1. Arrival of Earthly Angels

Music is played as earthly angels come into the venue and sit down.

2. Arrival Of Jesus Christ

The seat of Jesus Christ will be set before 12noon and kept under armed men on guard. The earthly angels stand as Jesus Christ enters and sits down. No music. There is silence.

3. Profession

  • The earthly angels remain standing. The silence continues.
  • One earthly angel stands at the podium and all the other earthly angels in the Trumpeting hall kneel down.
  • The earthly angel at the podium reads Matthew 1:18 - 25 (Bible) . Then he/she goes back to join the other earthly angels in kneeling.
  • Another earthly angel comes to the podium and reads Luke 2:1 - 21 (Bible) . Then he/she goes back to join the others in kneeling.
  • All the earthly angels say:

Jesus Christ, You are the true God.

You are the true God who made heaven and earth with all the good things that exist in them.

There is no Holy Trinity. You are the God who revealed Yourself to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and to the Israelites. You are the God who mankind perceived as God the father and as God the son at different times in human history. The Holy Spirit is not God.

Jesus Christ, You have appointed Myina Ivyarave to teach people the truth about You and the pure forms of Your earthly and eternal kingdoms. Myina Ivyarave is not God. Myina Ivyarave is Your prophet.

Jesus Christ, You are above all things. You are the true God. There is no other God anywhere.

  • Male earthly angels remove caps from their heads.
  • All the male and female earthly angels touch their foreheads on the ground as they say:

We declare all worship unto You, Jesus Christ.                        (five times)

4. Commandments of Jesus Christ

  • All the earthly angels sit down.
  • Male earthly angels fix caps back on their heads.
  • Jesus Christ now addresses all earthly angels (those in His physical presence and those online) . Every word from Jesus Christ is a commandment.

5. Departure of Jesus Christ

  • All the earthly angels kneel down.
  • Male earthly angels remove caps from their heads.
  • All the earthly angels (males and females) touch their foreheads on the ground as they say:

We declare all worship unto You, Jesus Christ.                    (five times)

  • All the earthly angels stand.
  • There is silence.
  • Male earthly angels fix caps back on their heads.
  • Jesus Christ leaves.

6. Departure of Earthly Angels

Music is played as earthly angels go out.