6 min read

My mission as a prophet is to teach purity of the earthly kingdom of Jesus Christ. Formation of a church is one of the strategies expected to be set. I have formed Goals Of Angels Church. The formation conforms with the current government laws on freedom of religion. However, purity of the earth entails theocracy. So I have discerned and arrived at dedication to Sir Isaac Newton, an inventor. This dedication is automatically the second strategy. I aim at going to London, England to honour his grave. I hope to find custodians of his formulae and some other inventors connected with him. I hope to find them at his grave. I hope to receive only their acceptance to read the doctrine of Goals Of Angels Church over a period of time. I do not hope for their immediate conversion. Their decision about my prophesied theocracy may be taken in my life time or after my death. I am 44 years old. I am certain to live up to 100 years or more. 

According to educational curriculums, an inventor is a person who brings a/some formula(e) into existence. Within my thoughts, an inventor keeps reserved powers of formula(e) protection to himself/herself. It is at a time of death that he/she hands over to a beloved person. I consider such a beloved person as a custodian of the formula(e) . I hope that educational curriculums will author this meaning in future. In case of Sir Isaac Newton, he died and left no child behind. He left one half brother and two half sisters behind. Their names were Benjamin Smith, Hannah Smith and Mary Smith. These were children of his mother born through Barnabas Smith. His father died three months before his birth. His mother was widowed. That was why she remarried. The children grew up and married as well. Benjamin's marriage will be narrated when I study further. Hannah married Barton. Mary married Pilkington. Hannah's daughter, Catherine Barton, grew close to Sir Isaac Newton. She lived with him up to his death. I believe that custody of his formulae is kept in his extended families throughout generations. I advise readers of my topic to go into investigation. One of the areas for investigation is current production of Newtonian telescope. When this area is investigated, it must be found that the head of factory is a descendant of Sir Isaac Newton. 

Initially, I wanted to involve all inventors and custodians. I thought of diversity in scientific products. I thought of cars, aircraft, computers, guns, ammunition, petrol, diesel, cement and every technology. My earlier presentation was titled SCIENTISTS ASSEMBLY. I later changed the title to INVENTORS AND CUSTODIANS ASSEMBLY. I have finally thought of the word "grandmaster". Collins English Dictionary defines a grandmaster as a person at the highest level of ability or achievement in any field. This definition fits Sir Isaac Newton. He was a grandmaster in the field of science. I have finally changed the title to SIR ISAAC NEWTON ASSEMBLY. I am a good prophet. I am abiding by the words of God. A good prophet tenders the words of God without omission. He avoids self-centeredness. He avoids personal feelings. Since creation, there had been good and bad prophets. These positive and negative adjectives could not fit some. Borrowed adjectives such as tolerated or endured were most fitting. For example, Moses was an endured prophet. He was fond of forsaking God's words. God simply endured him in order to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Read Numbers 20:2-13 and see one of Moses' disobedience. God sent him to gather the Israelites before a rock and speak to it for water. He went. He gathered them and began by asking, "You rebels, must we fetch you water from the rock?" Next to this question, he used his rod to strike the rock. In fact, this place was where God spoke of the deaths of Moses and Aaron as their punishment. He said they would not enter the land of Canaan. Aaron was involved because he was the usual assistant of Moses. I am a good prophet. I am determined to tender the words of God to people exactly as He gives me. 

My dedication to Sir Isaac Newton is going to be permanent. I am going to consider it as the climax of my religious vocation. Its benefits are many. Apart from theocracy, my current protection is guaranteed. I used his photo as my cover photo on Facebook on 6th February, 2024 . I went into this topic of dedication on Site123 on 27th March, 2024 . Since the cover photo, the online and offline attacks which his shelter has countered for me are many. I am sure of the extension of his protection to the entire members of my church. A leader from any religious organization who is tempted to compete with me in the shelter of Sir Isaac Newton will not succeed. Spiritual contest is not new to me. I always win. Even after my death, the divinity of God will continue in Goals Of Angels Church. All spiritual contestants against the church will face perpetual failures. Read about the tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9 to serve as an example of the failures. It will be seen in this quotation that God disorganized people who planned sins against him. They failed in their plan when they lost unity. 

Policies to be implemented in the pure earthly kingdom of Jesus Christ are given below:

  1. All people will live in cities. People will be removed from villages and all villages will be demolished. Those lands will be reserved for future uses.
  2. Ownership of land will be withdrawn from individuals. The government will own every piece of land in all parts of the world. 
  3. Estates will be built according to different classes of people and given out to them. The least accommodation will be a four bedroom flat for a nuclear family. A polygamist will have flats according to the number of his wives. In addition to that number, he will have one flat for himself. The reason is for him to own a kitchen and avoid competition with his wives. For the same reason, a monogamist will have one flat for his wife and one flat for himself. Every flat will have a parlour, a kitchen and a laundry. A bedroom in a flat will have a toilet/bathroom. Bungalows will be jumped. Duplexes will come next to four bedroom flats. Every duplex will have eight bedrooms, two parlours and other facilities mentioned earlier. Mansions will come next to duplexes. That is how many levels will be jumped. To emphasize mansions, there will be many categories. There will be need to differentiate between higher classes of people and mansions will begin from lower categories and ascend to the highest categories. Accommodation generally will not be given according to a person's wealth but according to social stratification. 
  4. Hotels will be built for travellers. Accommodation in a hotel will begin from two bedroom suites and stop at five. I do not need to mention toilets/bathrooms because they are always available in hotel apartments. All hotels with single rooms will be demolished. Uneducated people who can not lodge in suites will be warned against travelling far from their residencies. Sexual partners who travel together will be advised to stay in separate bedrooms and come together during sex or discussion. 
  5. All people will have universal identity. The identity will give them the freedom to travel to any part of the world without the documents that are currently required of people traveling from one country to another.
  6. All the means of production and distribution will be owned by the government. People who want to use their money for investment will not be allowed. Those who are currently using their money for investment will be compensated and asked to stop. The government will print money directly and use for production and distribution.
  7. Production of goods and services will be done to meet human needs, not for profit. 
  8. There will be a Truth Monitoring Council. It will consist of highly educated people who will use universal curriculums to ensure that a king does not lead people astray. It will only have the power to advise a king.
  9. Sir Isaac Newton Assembly will exist as the highest ruling body. It will have supreme powers to appoint or dismiss a king. 
  10. Collection of revenues will cease. Other sources of government income will also cease. People will exchange money for the goods and services that they utilize. The government will obtain money through direct printing and through sale of goods and services.
  11. There will be no beggar. The government will give grants to every person who has low social status. This will involve people deformed naturally beyond labouring for the government. These grants will be given weekly in big amounts. The grants will be given to a father, a mother and every child from birth to fifteen years. At the age of sixteen years, a male or a female will have independence from parents and start labouring and earning salaries.
  12. Labour will be compulsory for all people from the ages of sixteen years to fifty-nine years. All people will be employed at the universal level. It is certain that the number of people will be above the number of vacancies. With this certainty, all people will receive training but work as live or reserved personel. 
  13. A person may work in many fields before retirement but pension will be granted to him/her based on the highest position held. Retirement age is sixty years. From this age and above, a person will only hold a ruling office in government if opportuned. A person opportuned to hold a ruling office in government will receive pension based on the ruling office and terminate the previous one. 
  14. Fine will not be collected as a punishment for any offence committed. Punishment for all offenders will take the form of torture or death. Examples of torture are imprisonment, frog jump, beating and momentary hunger. Punishment by bodily deformation must be avoided. Examples of bodily deformation are cutting an offender's hand, cutting his/her leg and removal of his/her eyes. An offender who is sentenced to death will not be buried with honour but will be burnt to ashes.
  15. Eye witnesses will not be accepted in judicial proceedings. Devices such as telescope will be used to replay past incidents so as to confirm statements given by complainants and accused persons.
  16.  Neatness will be ensured in all business places. The emphasis here is on offices and public places generally. Employees will be forced to receive orientation peculiar to their areas of concentration before they start operation. This will help the public to stay free from harmful practices such as mixing excreta with food for sale, spitting on food for sale and sitting on top of fridges that contain drinks for sale. 
  17. Payment of salaries will not be done according to educational certificates. Salaries will be paid according to the jobs which people do. This will give freedom to all people at the levels of cleaners, taxi drivers and other low positions to school up to professorship. Higher education is naturally important for all humans.
  18. There will be stability in the prices of goods and services. Sellers and buyers will be ruled to avoid bargaining during business. Everything for sale must be marked with a fixed price. There will be no addition, no subtraction during business.
  19. The army, navy and air force will be established as the only security operatives. Police, immigration and others will cease to exist. The army will have only nine ranks beginning from Lieutenant to General(one star) . A General will continue with upliftment stars up to Field Marshall. The equivalents of these will be established in the navy and air force. All ranks below Lieutenant and their equivalents will be cancelled.
  20. Free education will be given to all people at all levels of formal education. The formal education at all levels will be given online. It is thinkable that some parents will not have the knowledge to educate their children using the online syllabuses. For this reason, primary and secondary schools will be built in every estate for the children therein to attend. Parents who have knowledge can educate their children privately using the online syllabuses. As university education involves only mature people, the university education will be given only online.
  21. There will be no election. Scientists will always appoint a king. They will compose a panel to continue with appointments at lower levels of government. The appointment of a person to a public office will take five procedures. The procedures are:

i. The appointment panel for the concerned public office will be inaugurated and all people  who want the concerned public office will apply online. 

ii. A person who has a negative comment to tarnish the application of any candidate will publish. Positive comments about any applicant will not be allowed in order to avoid factions in the world government.

iii. Screening will be conducted to find qualified candidates.

iv. A game of chance will be played on all the qualified candidates to find one candidate to take the concerned public office. There are many examples of games of chance. Dice is a game of chance. Ludo is a game of chance. Spinning is a game of chance. Many others exist. One will be played. 

v. The incumbent public office holder will handover to the candidate selected through a game of chance as the next public office holder. 

22. All people will be buried in cemeteries. A cemetery will be built in form of a storeyed house with separated rooms in it. In every room, constructions will be made to hold caskets. Operatives from the military will be assigned to every cemetery to guard it day and night. One cemetery will be set aside for kings and their wives. One cemetery will be set aside for presidents of countries and their wives. That is how cemeteries will be set aside to honour different classes of people. Inventors and custodians of formulae will construct their graves inside their mansions according to their tastes. 

23. Current radio stations, television stations and other media establishments will be destroyed. Internet will stand out as the only means of publication. Locally and globally, every topic of news will appear in a combination of video and text. Audio will be prohibited. 

24. All prisoners will be set free. All persons in police custody will be set free. Records of their behaviours will start afresh.

25. People will not be allowed to keep animals in their houses. All animals will be kept in ranches and zoos. The animals in ranches will be used as food and the ones in zoos will be used for studies.

26. A new system of marriage will be adopted. The government will screen females and give to males as wives. The screening will be based on social stratification. It is thinkable that the number of females may not match the number of males. So social stratification will form the basis for marriage. As for sexuality, all males will be entitled to sexual satisfaction whether they marry or not. 

Note: I will study global situations and formulate more policies.