1 min read

A prophet teaches the will of God. A prophet does not manage to conform to humanism. When a prophet fails in delivering what God sends him, he dies. Read 1Kings 13: 1 - 30 (Bible) and see how one prophet disobeyed the voice of God and was killed by a lion. I, Prophet Myina Ivyarave, must be very strict in delivering the will of God in my own time. As a result, I have adopted military style of evangelism in our church. I once attended many churches. I saw their methods of preaching but I did not copy. I attended Redeemed Christian Church Of God, Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Tabernacle Of Grace, Catholic Church, Celestial Church Of God, some sabbath churches and other churches. I did not and do not have interest in their methods of preaching. One of their methods of preaching is their lawless approach to people in buses, on the streets and in other public places. Those preachers become nuisance as they disturb uninterested people to listen to them. Their methods are not accepted by me. I have focused on God’s commandment to me. God has commanded me to wisely and honourably take over the whole earth and enforce His worship. He (God) should be worshipped by all humans on the entire earth. He should be identified as Jesus Christ (Luke 2:1 - 21 ; Matthew 1:18 - 25 , Bible). As enforcement is different from begging, military style is the only option that can be used to take over the whole earth for Jesus Christ.

Which of the militaries on earth are we going to use? We are not going to attach ourselves to a military of a particular country. We will rely on world scientists. I, the founder of the church , have taken the first strategy. The strategy is the incorporation of our church on Internet. I will study the opportunities on Internet and bring all members of our church to enjoy education, security, employment and all human needs. I look forward to the appearance of world scientists on the list of our church members. I am looking up to scientists as an assembly that will determine the date on which Goals Of Angels Church will become an empire as stated in number eleven of INTRODUCTION TO THE DOCTRINE OF GOALS OF ANGELS CHURCH.

Evangelism is a duty of all our church members. Each member should use the following guidelines for evangelism:

  1.  Members of our church should preach to only identified people. They should preach to people who are known to them through face-to-face contact. This will help them to monitor the success of those who believe and the downfall of those who disbelieve.
  2. Members of our church should preach to people who are known or unknown to them on Internet. All people on Internet are identified. So our members will monitor them easily.
  3. Members of our church should use death or ridicules to preach to people who underrate our church. They should use tactics that are covered by government laws for killing or ridiculing.
  4. Members of our church should use social welfare entrusted to them to win converts for the church.
  5. Members of our church should be selective in their words or actions at all times. Whatever they say or do is either a direct or an indirect proclamation of the kingdom of God to which they belong. This is another aspect of preaching.