6 min read

There are two types of spirits that operate on earth. These spirits are:

  1. Holy Spirit
  2. Evil Spirits

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a force that acts at the command of God. Having known that Jesus Christ is the true God, the Holy Spirit can be described as a force that acts at the command of Jesus Christ. For further description of the Holy Spirit, the following points are available:

  1. The Holy Spirit is to Jesus Christ as computer is to man.
  2. No human being can command the Holy Spirit. It is dangerous. When a person prays to Jesus Christ (God) , the Holy Spirit acts according to what Jesus Christ speaks or what He previously spoke concerning that.
  3. The Holy Spirit exists everywhere like air.
  4. The Holy Spirit does not sleep or rest.
  5. The Holy Spirit was also created by Jesus Christ just as other things on earth.
  6. The Holy Spirit can also be called “Good Spirit”.

There is one thing about the Holy Spirit which I do not know. The thing is - whether the Holy Spirit is a living force or a non-living force, I do not know. I am still studying.

Evil Spirits

Evil spirits are forces that are produced by animals to destroy the good works of God. Evil spirits can also be called “bad spirits”. People who are possessed by evil evils are grouped into devils and demons.


A devil is a person who worships one animal or a group of animals and keeps vows that are contrary to the worship of God. A devil can also be called “satan”. Examples of animals that a devil worships are sheep, cattle, monkey, horse, snake, crab, fish, fowl, vulture, lion, tiger, crocodile, millipede, worm, elephant, lizard, dove, dog, pig and scorpion. All animals produce evil spirits whether they are worshipped or not. The mission of a devil is to kill all people who worship God so that the world will come to an end. The secret behind evil is that animals were unhappy when God gave them to man’s consumption at the time of creation. That was why a snake deceived Adam and Eve to blaspheme against God and die. Since creation, animals either deceive or force mankind to blaspheme against God and die. Animals are aware that when mankind worship God, they will receive blessings to live joyfully but they will lose blessings and die when they blaspheme against God.

Read the Bible and get these facts:

Where God gave animals to man’s consumption = Genesis 1:26 - 31

Where a snake deceived Adam and Eve to blaspheme against God and die = Genesis 3:1 - 19

Where other animals deceive or force mankind to blaspheme against God and die = Revelation 13:1 - 18

Whenever animals attempt to worship God and receive exaltation, God refuses. So animals know that they are permanently living on earth for man’s consumption and their anger continue to generate evil. Read the Bible, Revelation 4:6 - 11 , to see animals’ attempt to worship God.


A demon is a person who believes in a devil. Demons and devils collectively form evil circles. The difference between a devil and a demon is that a devil receives spiritual messages from an animal or a group of animals. While a demon receives spiritual or temporal messages from a devil. When a demon starts receiving spiritual messages directly from an animal or a group of animals, he/she becomes a devil.

Rejection Of Evil

Earthly angels must reject devils, demons and animals in order to be free from evil and have fullness of life. Rejection of devils and demons can be done using government laws. Earthly angels should invoke freedom of religion and interact with devils and demons formally and informally but they should continue to uphold the doctrine of Goals Of Angels Church. This is a polite rejection. The church doctrine should guide them to avoid doing what devils and demons do. They should carefully select what government makes compulsory in public life and do respectfully to devils and demons. To cite an example, earthly angels do not perform anal sex but they should respect non-members of our church who perform anal sex. When earthly angels meet with them, they should perform "penis inside vagina". Earthly angels should reject animals by killing them without mercy. The animals can be killed for human consumption or to be thrown away. Animals should not be killed to completely wipe them out of the earth because they are economically important. Earthly angels should also reject animals spiritually when they speak in dreams or other forms of visions. Earthly angels should spiritually and temporally mock animals as shown below:

Animals, you are not pets.

Animals, you are not God.

Animals, you were created as food for mankind.

Animals, you were created to work for mankind.

Animals, I will kill you today and tomorrow without mercy.

Animals, I will not have sex with you.

Following the examples above, more expressions should be used to mock animals. Specific names of animals can be called during mockery.